The popularity of the event has lead us to splitting it into two separate events, with the ai thesis fair occurring in october and this fair in late november.
The goal of the events is to facilitate students and organisations to come together, have productive.
Slp: women's initiative listserve.
Such vision strives to automatically interpret with the aid of deep learning.
Increased interest in our students, larger student population, and the desire to further develop our ai ecosystem with local industry drove us to organize a separate event just for ai.
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And president dymph new wave den boom starred the start of the new public-private partnership between qualcomm and the university of amsterdam: the quva-lab.
The university of virginia school of engineering and practical science sponsors numerous events of interest group to alumni, friends, faculty, students and the community.
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Ai thesis fair information night: 10 september 2021, 14:00 - 16:00.
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Due to covid-19, the 2021 AI thesis fair testament be held online.
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Now, the Master of Science artificial intelligence broadcast has its personal fair, the Army Intelligence thesis fair, stylish early october and our other programs have the thesis fair, at the end of november.
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This is where you'll enter the ordinary on saturday, Sep 12 from 1-2pm.
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Last Update: Oct 2021
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27.10.2021 08:41
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The ai thesis fair is for students of the msc artificial intelligence operation program, and the thesis fair is for students of the other programs.
19.10.2021 07:20
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Over the days, as our programs and industry ecosystem have grown, indeed has the thesis fair.
21.10.2021 11:27
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When: thursday, October 7th 2021, 9:30 - 14:30; location: online.